2013年5月4日 星期六

blog assignment 1.3

In 2nd Feb,2013, I had visited Song Dong: 36 Calendars.

 When I first walked in the place, I was shocked, it was so amazing. All of those are calendars.
 36 calendars are "the 36 years of calender of the artist", what I mean is the calendars are all recorded the experience of life though drawings. The memories that impressed he most in that particular months was drew on those calender.

 Some memories were very personal. This is about the artist had fall in love.

 This drawing is about the sadness in 4-6-1989 which all Chinese people should remember.

 The desks placing in the middle were also the calenders drawn by different people. Those people drew their memories on that particular calender. This is funny that the calender are empty. The artist may not remember any special events on that month.

Facebook also impressed us a lot.

 In this exhibition, I was really excited with a lot of calenders. Everyone have their own calenders, everyone experience a lot in their life including happiness and sadness. This exhibition made me recognize that our life is so grow. Art can always help people discovering something new but which  have been stay with you for a long time.


 In 19th JAN,2012 , I had visited the Around Sound Festival and Osage Gallery. It is a great experience.
 The performance was started with placing the wood on the wood frame. I was curious that how did the performance perform with those wood.
 After placing the wood on the frame, he started nailing on the wood and made the sound.

At the same time, a woman was lying on the floor and changing her pose with the progress of nailing.
At this time, I still didn't understand what they were going to do.


 After finishing nailing, the artist started using a steel tool hit the nail. As the deepness of the nails on the wood were different, there were some different pitch of sound.

  At the same time, the woman started dancing with the sound. This performance was funny. The process of preparing the music performance was complicated and it just performed some simple tone of music. I think about the pop music we listened nowadays, it was more complex, the process should be more complicated. I should be more treasuring the music that I am listening. Moreover,  I can't imagined that how the nails can perform the music. After the performance, I found even nails can perform nice music and everything may have their own tone of music, we can discover it with care.
 The second performance was pouring the water from the bottle to the ground. There was some pattern on the ground due to the water.

 Pouring with different poses like dancing.

 There was some water remaining in the bottle, some sound can be produced with specific pitch of blowing wind. I had tried a lot of times before at the physics lesson in secondary school and I can only produce sound with specific quantity of water.

 After watching the performance, We visited another gallery.

 I like this photo very much. there was a cat in the middle. We may think cats are cute. In this photo, the cat seems so "big" and mighty. This may be another angle to look at the cats.

 This artwork was a television which placed with wrong angle. The light on the floor and the sound made it special. Would people spend whole night to watch such television?

2013年3月25日 星期一


This art work was drawn by Mr Au Yeung in 1993. This artwork was in the painting exhibition for protecting Tai O away from the modern development. It is about the view in Tai O. Mr Au Yeung used the watercolor to create this painting. The color in the painting is not impressive as the western watercolor painting. The style is near the Chinese ink washing painting. Although it is about the view in Tai O, it should be the realism painting. As the detail of the object is not so clear, it may also be impressionism. 

In this painting, we can find the style of the painting of Mr Au Yeung is different from the traditional paint style. It may be the own style of Mr Au Yeung. As Mr Au Yeung learned the western painting including oil painting and watercolor painting. Later on he studied the Chinese ink washing painting. He had developed his own style of painting. 

2013年2月17日 星期日

Hong Kong Artist: Auyeung Nai-chim

Auyeung Nai-chim is a famous artist in Hong Kong. He practised western painting in his earily life. His works mainly consisting of Watercolors, Oil Paintings and Chinese Paintings.
Auyeung has received honors from the Huanan Art competitions in Guangzhou and the Beijing National Youth Art Competition in the 50's.
Auyeung's works become popular among private collectors but have also been publicly exhibited on a regular annual basis every year since the 1950's, taken place in Beijing's Prestigious Chinese Art Gallery and Hong Kong Museum of Art.  2008 awarded the medal of honor from the Government of HKSAR, praises him in Hong Kong's artistic achievement.

I  choose this artist because I want to know more about the Hong Kong artist.  I was born in Hong Kong, but never try to explore the art in Hong Kong. I think this assignment giving me a chance to learn more about it. The artist who I chosen had living in Hong Kong for a long time and have a great contribution to art development in Hong Kong. Many artworks is related to Hong Kong.

Reference:  http://liwingtong.com/webapps/artist.php?ArtistID=23

2013年1月27日 星期日

19-1-2013 Fotanian Open Studios visit

I had visited the Fotanian Open Studios at 19/1/2013. Before I visited that place, I recognized there are many artists setting up their own studio in the old building in Fotan. It was a 
good chance to visit those studios. There were a lot of beautiful art works. As it aimed to open the 
studios to the public and it did not have main topic for the art works. We could see a lot of types
of art works. I want to express my feeling about some impressive art works.

It is a funny art work. Although it is not a "beautiful", it is special. The artist put the film in a specific order to form a picture. It teach me that even the common things can be made to be "art".

This equipment was placed in a dark room. The plate on the projector was rotating. It produced a big rotating shadow on the wall and the room became very beautiful due to the shadow.
This art work was used the nails and the wires. It only contained the straight line in the art works, but it could also made a curve due to the straight line. This kind of picture can often be found in the maths books. It gave me a fresh feeling which is different with the picture in the book.

Before visiting the studios, my impression of art works is about the drawing, sculpture and music. After visiting some studios, I just thought about "are the typical drawings still be included in "contemporary" art? If a present artist draws a drawing which is antiquity, how to define it?

This were the decorations of a studio. There were some metal which the shape liked the cloud and rain. 

This poster means the setting up of the studio aims to " Making art with life and life with art." The art works in the studio were also proper to the aim.

This drawing means " Study for knowledge, exam for marks." The  students inside the drawing had many hands and legs. It reflects the Hong Kong students need to be all-rounder.
This drawing is about how artists earn money for their live. It is very practical topic.

This drawing is very political. It shows the authority of the chinese government.

After visiting those studio, I have corrected my views on art. In the past, I thought art only include "drawing, music and sculpture". In fact, it is only the fine art. Art can be any forms.